Sunday Night Service @ Wesley
Sunday | Dinner @ 7pm | Service @ 7:30
We know that meeting new people for the first time can be intimidating, and checking out a campus ministry can be intense. We want you to know that there is a place for you at Gator Wesley!
Here is what a typical Sunday Night Worship @ Wesley looks like
- We gather @ Wesley at 7pm on the Gator Wesley patio to see each other, share a free meal outdoors and connect.
- At around 7:30 we head upstairs for a live worship set and a message from one of our directors or students and some announcements about what's happening at Gator Wesley.
- After the service you are invited to hang around for few minutes and have desserts and coffee.
Worship happens on Sunday nights in the 2nd floor worship space at Gator Wesley. We eat a free dinner prepared by our students and staff beginning at 7:00pm and then move upstairs and into a time of live music and worship around 7:30. Below is what a typical worship experience at Gator Wesley is like.
During a typical night we will sing three or four songs. Everything we do during worship is to create an opportunity for students to connect with God in meaningful ways and to create an atmosphere where you are able to express yourself in ways that offer thanks and gratitude for the work that God is doing in each of us and in our community.
We gather in the worship space and one of our directors will welcome everyone to worship. This is a time to be reminded that we are called to do this life together and that we gather as the Body of Christ.
Our typical teaching time is about thirty minutes, and our main teachers are our co-directors, Heather and Joel Pancoast. We usually teach by using a series of messages centered around a specific topic. Our goal is to share a relevant message that points us toward the work that God is doing through us as we grow and learn to live a life of love like Jesus.
These are meant to inform everyone about the key happenings in and around Gator Wesley. You can always find more info through our website and Instagram.
Communion is a reminder that Jesus invites us into a story of grace and love. It is an opportunity to remember the special meal Jesus ate with his disciples the night before his death. This ancient tradition is one that we regularly participate in at Gator Wesley. The communion table at Gator Wesley, and in the United Methodist Church, is an open one. There are no prerequisites involved. All are invited and all are welcome. During communion, you will be invited to participate. A piece of bread will be torn and a small cup of grape juice will begiven to you to eat. Communion is not a requirement during our worship. You are free to participate as you feel led. Our directors and staff are always open to questions and conversations about communion.
After the message and response time, all are welcome to hang around in the worship space. There are usually desserts and music playing during this time. You are welcomed to stay or head home. Most Sundays, you’ll be greeted by someone at the door as you leave with a small gift (usually chocolate!) as a reminder that you are loved and that we hope you have a great week!
Gator Wesley is located right across from the University of Florida on the corner of W University Ave and NW 14th St. right next door to The Standard.
What's the culture like at Gator Wesley?
We are a diverse mix of backgrounds, personalities, talents, and gifts. Our hope at Gator Wesley is to encourage and develop lives that reflect the love of Christ. That means a lot of things, and we want you to know that regardless of your past, present, or future, you are welcome and loved by the people of Gator Wesley. The atmosphere is pretty laid-back, and we are intentionally focused on moving forward, growing and leaning into community as we learn from and grow with each other.
Want more info before you come to Gator Wesley?
Feel free to get in touch with one of our directors or staff here!